
Chapter 6 of International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 13

Canada is required to undertake certain commitments as a signatory to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements. The following is excerpted from Chapter 6 of Annex 13 of ICAO agreements and deals with the TSB's obligation to report to other states involved in an investigation.


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Release of the Final Report

6.5 In the interest of accident prevention, the State conducting the investigation of an accident or incident shall release the Final Report as soon as possible.

6.6 Recommendation.- The State conducting the investigation should release the Final Report in the shortest possible time and, if possible, within twelve months of the date of the occurrence. If the report cannot be released within twelve months, the State conducting the investigation should release an interim report on each anniversary of the occurrence, detailing the progress of the investigation and any safety issues raised.

6.7 When the State that has conducted an investigation into an accident or an incident involving an aircraft of a maximum mass of over 5 700 kg has released a Final Report, that State shall send to the International Civil Aviation Organization a copy of the Final Report.

Note.- Whenever practicable, the Final Report sent to ICAO is to be prepared in one of the working languages of the Organization and in the form shown in the Appendix.

Safety recommendations

6.8 At any stage of the investigation of an accident or incident, the accident or incident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation shall recommend to the appropriate authorities, including those in other States, any preventive action that it considers necessary to be taken promptly to enhance aviation safety.

6.9 A State conducting investigations of accidents or incidents shall address, when appropriate, any safety recommendations arising out of its investigations to the accident investigation authorities of other State(s) concerned and, when ICAO documents are involved, to ICAO.

Note.- When Final Reports contain safety recommendations addressed to ICAO, because ICAO documents are involved, these reports must be accompanied by a letter outlining the specific action proposed.


Action on safety recommendations

6.10 A State that receives safety recommendations shall inform the proposing State of the preventive action taken or under consideration, or the reasons why no action will be taken.

Note.- Nothing in this Standard is intended to preclude the State conducting the investigation from making proposals for preventive action other than safety recommendations.

The public report and other related documents are available on this site.

Chapter 6 of International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 13

Canada is required to undertake certain commitments as a signatory to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements. The following is excerpted from Chapter 6 of Annex 13 of ICAO agreements and deals with the TSB's obligation to report to other states involved in an investigation.


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Release of the Final Report

6.5 In the interest of accident prevention, the State conducting the investigation of an accident or incident shall release the Final Report as soon as possible.

6.6 Recommendation.- The State conducting the investigation should release the Final Report in the shortest possible time and, if possible, within twelve months of the date of the occurrence. If the report cannot be released within twelve months, the State conducting the investigation should release an interim report on each anniversary of the occurrence, detailing the progress of the investigation and any safety issues raised.

6.7 When the State that has conducted an investigation into an accident or an incident involving an aircraft of a maximum mass of over 5 700 kg has released a Final Report, that State shall send to the International Civil Aviation Organization a copy of the Final Report.

Note.- Whenever practicable, the Final Report sent to ICAO is to be prepared in one of the working languages of the Organization and in the form shown in the Appendix.

Safety recommendations

6.8 At any stage of the investigation of an accident or incident, the accident or incident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation shall recommend to the appropriate authorities, including those in other States, any preventive action that it considers necessary to be taken promptly to enhance aviation safety.

6.9 A State conducting investigations of accidents or incidents shall address, when appropriate, any safety recommendations arising out of its investigations to the accident investigation authorities of other State(s) concerned and, when ICAO documents are involved, to ICAO.

Note.- When Final Reports contain safety recommendations addressed to ICAO, because ICAO documents are involved, these reports must be accompanied by a letter outlining the specific action proposed.


Action on safety recommendations

6.10 A State that receives safety recommendations shall inform the proposing State of the preventive action taken or under consideration, or the reasons why no action will be taken.

Note.- Nothing in this Standard is intended to preclude the State conducting the investigation from making proposals for preventive action other than safety recommendations.

The public report and other related documents are available on this site.